Course Features & Support

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The following are some of the more commonly asked questions about out Online Drug Classes, Alcohol Awareness Classes and MIP Classes. If you don’t see your question below, please Contact Us. We’re available to answer all of your questions.

Is your website secure?

Yes. All personal data transmitted to our website uses TLS (Transport Layer Security). This includes your name, address, credit card and all other personal information.

A TLS connection requires all data sent between your web browser and our servers to be encrypted by the sending software and decrypted by the receiving software, thus providing an extremely high degree of confidentiality. We understand that donfidentiality is vital for both parties to any private transaction. In addition, all data sent over an encrypted TLS connection is protected with a mechanism for detecting tampering--that is, for automatically determining whether the data has been altered in transit.

Do I need any special software to take this drug class?

You do not need any special software to use our online drug classes, online alcohol awareness classes and minor in possession (MIP) classes. You just need a modern web browser and a connection to the internet.

We support Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and most other browsers. The classes will work on phones, tablets, notebooks and PCs. There is no software to download and nothing saved to your hard drive.

Do you I have the option to listen to the class instead of reading it?

If you don't want to read the class materials, you can add read along audio narration to your class. With read along the entire course has been narrated for you.

Is your class guaranteed?

Our classes include a 100% money back guarantee. Please read our guarantee for more information.

How does Online Drug Class compare to other classes?

Online Drug Class is a thoroughly researched and developed course by experts in the field of drug and alcohol use and abuse. We believe that you will find no better materials in any other course whether it be in the classroom or on the internet.

What's a Minor In Possession (MIP) class?

Our Minor in Possession (MIP) classes are meant for people who are not of legal drinking age. We know that a "minor" usually means somebody under 18, but in this case it's people under 21 years of age. Our programs have in them course content which are targeted at these young people. The topics include the laws regarding minors drinking, additional legal penalties which can result from minors drinking, and the health effects that alcohol and drugs have on their bodies. The classes take a respectful tone toward minors without understating the serious consequences that consuming alcohol or drugs can have for them.

Do I have to take the class all at once?

Absolutely not. You can sign in and sign out of the class as many times as you want until you finish the course. When you sign in to your drug class, alcohol class, or MIP class you will continue exactly where you left off. This means that you can take the class completely on your schedule. Each session can be as long or as short as you like.

Do I need to save my work?

You do not need to save your work, our program does it automatically for you. As soon as you register, your information is automatically saved in your profile. Then, as you complete pages in the course your work is also saved. This means that you can stop anytime you want and resume again later. You can even take the class from different computers! Our online drug courses are designed to make the learning experience as smooth and easy as possible.

How long will it take me to complete this class?

Each alcohol drug class has a certain length assigned to it. Our most popular course lengths are the 8 hour classes, 12 hour classes, 16 hour classes and 24 hour classes. These different lengths are available as drug classes, alcohol awareness classes and MIP classes. This length is the amount of time that a student of who reads at an average level would take to complete the class. Of course, you can take the class as quickly or as slowly as you want.

Since the class is completely self-paced you can take as much or as little of it during a single seating. For example many of our students do one hour per day but you can do more or less depending on what works best for you.

Just so you know, some of our classes do have online timers to make sure that students spend a certain amount of time on each page. This is so that we can ensure that the certificates are accurate in the number of course hours.

What certificate delivery options do I have?

We offer a variety of delivery options. The price you pay for your drug, alcohol or MIP class includes free U.S. mail delivery of your certificate. For your convenience if you need your certificate faster we can send it to you via an expedited service. We offer upgraded U.S. mail priority mail (2-3 day delivery) and overnight delivery. In most cases overnight delivery arrives the next business day, but if you live in a rural area, delivery delays are possible. Delivery is not available on holidays or weekends.

What is the Completion Certificate?

Our drug class, alcohol awareness class and MIP class Completion Certificates are a standardized form used by alcohol and drug education classes such as ours. It simply says "Alcohol and Drug Education (or Minor in Possession Class) Completion Certificate".

Also included on the certificate is your name, date of birth, case number (if for court), address, phone number, and date of completion. The certificate includes our contact information and is signed by our staff. If you need any other information on the certificate, please let us know.

I forgot my password. How can I find out what it is?

If you have forgotten your password, just go to our login page and click on the forgot password link. We will email you instructions on how to securely reset your password.

If you do not have access to email, or did not provide an email address at registration, please contact us and one of our customer service representatives will be happy to assist you.

What do I do if I have a question about my class?

If during the course of your class you have a question, please contact us and we will get back to you immediately. You can contact us via phone, email or our contact form. There is also a customer support link that you can use to contact us while you are in the middle of the class.

Our representatives are available via phone or email during normal business hours (9 am to 5 pm Mountain Standard Time). If you contact us after hours, please leave us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Is this a Zoom drug class?

"Zoom" drug classes are usually live classes which are conducted by a teacher using Zoom software or other video conferencing software. The main difference between an online drug class and a Zoom drug class is the zoom class is conducted at a specific time and is done in front of a teacher.

While Zoom classes have the same convenience of Online Drug Class in that you don't have to travel to a classroom to take the class, you're still stuck taking the class at a specific time.

How fast can I get my drug class certificate?

You can start your class instantly after you sign up. How long it takes depends on the length of the class. So a 8 hour class will take you 8 hours of total class time. Then we send you the certificate immediately after you finish. We can also setup a downloadable completion certificate for you so you can have that instantly as well!

What is a PC-1000 program?

A PC 1000 is also known as a Pre-Trial Diversion Program in California. It allows eligible persons the opportunity to have their criminal proceedings suspended while they complete a drug education / treatment program. When the person successfully completes the program, the judge dismisses the charge. The individual may then (with exceptions) truthfully state that they have never been arrested for the charged offense. Learn about our PC-1000 program.