
Facts about Molly

Many users believe that Molly is actually MDMA, the main ingredient used to prepare Ecstasy. However, Molly isn't as pure as most consumers believe. In fact, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, most Molly is not MDMA, but a toxic mixture of lab-created chemicals. It's important to be educated on the dangers of this popular drug.

The Dangers of Molly

Molly is a "dangerous" drug because it is prepared with a mixture of chemicals that are unknown to the user (i.e. the consumer has no sure way to know what they're actually taking or what dosage they're putting into their body). It is also known that the formula for Molly keeps changing, with little regard as to how the drug interacts with the body. Other notable dangers of Molly include:

  • Increased Heart Rate
  • Increased Blood Pressure
  • Impaired Speech
  • Blurred Vision
  • Difficulty Sleeping
  • Urinary Retention

Other chemicals found in or believed to be used to make Molly, include: caffeine, dextromethorphan, amphetamines, PCP, and cocaine. A "hit" of Molly can last for 3-6 hours.

The Popularity of Molly

Molly has grown in popularity for several reasons. For one, it is very affordable and therefore popular amongst the younger crowds. Molly typically costs between $20 and $50 a dose. Two, Molly has become very socially acceptable throughout college campuses, and is even glamorized by celebrities who believe it to be a purer form of MDMA or Ecstasy. Third, Molly is marketed to younger populations, particularly between the ages of 12 and 17, as a way of enhancing the experience of raves and underground dance parties.

Becoming More Aware

It is important to be aware and educated on the dangers of Molly. Because this drug has risen in popularity so quickly, there's a higher chance you may come into contact with it. If you're conscious of the negative harms caused by Molly, then you're more likely to make smart decisions for yourself and turn it down.