Celebrities And Drug Use (Part I)

by: Mike Miller

Given the recent rash of deaths among celebrities and drugs I feel the need to start a blog series on celebrities and drugs. As I have mentioned from the beginning, celebrities are not role models and should not be looked on as such.

Nevertheless, given America’s and the rest of the world’s fascination with celebrities, there is no doubt they have significant influence on society – despite their sometimes bad behavior.

Most recently, the death of pop star Whitney Houston shocked the world. But was it really a shock? There have been so many celebrity drug-related incidents over the years it almost never shocks.

Others who have succumbed to drug addiction in recent years include Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger and Anna Nicole Smith.

Anyone battling addiction issues must keep in mind one thing – never stop trying to quit. It is always possible that you can quit and become a role model for others trying to quit. Just look at Robert Downey, Jr. he is the poster-child for drug addiction and bad behavior. While one is never free from addiction, Downey Jr. has managed to stay sober long enough and resurrect his career that he is now the symbol of what you can become if you rid yourself of addiction.

Again, this will be the first in a series of blogs looking at celebrity addiction and who and how they overcame their addiction issues.