Prescription medication serves a valuable purpose. For those suffering from pain or anxiety these medications can be life-saving. Unfortunately, there are far too many taking these medications for the wrong reasons. Instead of being life-saving, these medications are life-threatening!
A new study found a link between prescription drug abuse among college students and more mental health woes like depression and suicidal thoughts.
Researchers analyzed data from a 2008 survey of more than 26,000 college students at 40 campuses, and found that about 13 per cent of the responders reported non-medical use of prescription drugs. Students who said they had experienced feeling hopeless, sad, depressed or had considered suicide have greater risk to abuse prescription drugs. The association was particularly strong among female students who reported painkiller use. This according to
The study demonstrated that the use of prescription drugs — particularly painkillers like Vicodin and OxyContin — is related to depressive symptoms and suicidal thoughts and behaviors in college students. This is why use of such drugs need to be monitored by a doctor and why mental health outreach on college campuses is particularly important.
These medications are a serious problem. If you or someone you care about is using and abusing prescription medication, please seek help immediately. If you prefer to maintain anonymity, there are online drug classes too!