Congresswoman Understands Need for More Drug Education Classes

by: Mike Miller

It does not take a genius to realize that drug education classes can certainly do no harm. The more we educate ourselves and our children as to the dangers of drug use and abuse the better off our society will be. I am glad that one person in the US Congress is taking steps to help with our current drug problem.

A bill pushed by Rep. Marsha Blackburn to curb prescription drug abuse cleared a House panel back in late May. The health subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee approved the measure, which aims to balance the need to keep drugs away from abusers while ensuring continued access to patients with a genuine need. As reported in

The Ensuring Patient Access and Effective Drug Enforcement Act was introduced earlier this year by Rep. Tom Marino, R-Pa.

Punishing Pill Pushers

A key part of the proposed legislation clarifies the Controlled Substances Act, making it easier for the Drug Enforcement Administration to suspend narcotics licenses of those in the supply chain whose actions have shown they pose an "imminent danger" to public health. It also would establish a working group of industry officials, pharmacists and representatives of federal and state enforcement agencies to develop strategies for reducing drug diversion and abuse.

Make no mistake about it – prescription medication can be deadly! According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about half of drug-overdose deaths are related to prescription painkillers. Studies also have found abuse of prescription pain drugs is contributing to a resurgence in heroin addiction.

There is no doubt the United States is in a crisis. Prescription drug abuse is an epidemic that's greatly in need of a solution. There needs to be a clear distinction between the legitimate pharmaceutical supply chain that directly serves patients and the criminals who are diverting and selling illegal drugs. Supply chain stakeholders need further guidance on how to collaborate more effectively with law enforcement.

Hopefully we will increase public funding for educational drug classes. Even online drug classes would be an economical approach. What do you think?