When Gandhi speaks in India, people listen. So, just how well are the people of Punjab taking the most recent Gandhi’s words when he says that 70% of the region’s youth are abusing drugs? Not too well – that is for sure.
The most recent man with the famous surname is Rahul Gandhi. As reported in www.firstpost.com.
Many Indian’s believe that on critical matters of public discourse on the big issues of the day, Rahul Gandhi has typically been missing in action. But on the rare occasions that he does string together the strands of information floating around in his mind and give voice to them, he more often than not makes a colossal hash of it and implants his foot firmly in his mouth.
For someone who hails from India’s longest-running political dynasty, given to watching family members make speeches since he was very young, it seems passing strange that Rahul Gandhi is so strikingly artless at delivering public speeches.
Well, Rahul Gandhi appears to have remedied that somewhat, with his comments at a youth rally in Punjab. His remark — that 70 percent of Punjab’s youth are addicted to drugs – has been picked on and pilloried by political leaders in Punjab.
Yet, with all his history of improper articulation of ideas and his infirm grasp on facts, Rahul Gandhi may not – on this occasion at least – have been off the mark.
Could Punjab’s problem be so serious? What are they doing to try and keep kids off of drugs? I would hope that as India tries to enter modernity it will begin a good series of Minor in possession classes (http://www.onlinedrugclass.com/MIPClass) to help educate against using drugs as well as drug classes to rehabilitate those who have fallen victim to its virulent talons.