Does Government Understand the Country's Need for Drug Education?

by: Mike Miller

As the problem with drug abuse in America worsens, many questions need to be asked. First, what role, if any, should the federal government play? Second, what are lawmakers doing to help protect citizens? It seems as though some lawmakers are giving up. One example is the cancellation of a program that could have been helping.

The Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring survey (ADAM) was terminated in March, and not one congressmen tried to save it. Now the U.S. is without an accurate estimate of its drug users. That means less funding for research and treatment. Why was this program canceled? As reported in

Do you think the government should play an active role? If so, you are in the majority. A new study revealing 67 percent of Americans want the government to focus on treatment for drug abusers was met with joy last week. A “truce” in the war on drugs, experts opined, may be just around the corner.

But while the public looks poised to make good, the government is quietly quitting. In March, the nation’s richest source of information about cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine abuse was terminated, and again, not one congressman tried to save it.

We will continue to look at this topic in the next blog.