Drug Education Class Could Save Your Life

by: Mike Miller

If an online alcohol and drug class has any impact on your decision never to experiment with heroin then it will have played a role in saving your life. Heroin use = a ruined life. Very few ever experiment with heroin without suffering severe consequences. Does it sound like a drug you want to stay away from?

This is the seventh in a series of blogs looking at heroin use and its horrific consequences. As reported in www.nytimes.com.

When you think of heroin what country comes to mind? My first thought was Afghanistan. I was wrong. The majority of the heroin in the United States comes from Colombia!

The purity of the heroin varies widely, which law enforcement officers say is partly responsible for the increase in deaths, and bad batches have been reported throughout the region. Even an experienced user might not be prepared for the strength of a particular bag. And because heroin reaches the brain so quickly — and witnesses hesitate to call for help immediately — overdoses are often fatal.

There are more sad and negative stories about the attempts to kick heroin that positive ones. If you have never tried heroin – don’t – you know what you are missing – a lifetime (shortened) of addiction.

If you or someone you care about used heroin, please seek help immediately. A drug class is a good place to start. If you prefer to maintain anonymity, there are online drug classes too.