E-Cigarettes Can Lead to Online Tobacco Education

by: Mike Miller

This is the second in a series of blogs looking at a new trend in nicotine consumption – the e-cigarette. Have you smoked an e-cigarette? By now I am sure you have seen someone smoking an e-cig.

My first sighting was actually on an airplane. I am not sure that is even legal. However, as a recovering nicotine addict I understand the need to get the fix. E-cigarettes seem to get past the recent social backlash against smoking in public places.

How Powerful is Big Tobacco Anymore?

Given all of the legislation over the years it has led me to wonder how much power and influence big tobacco actually yields anymore. From all the locations its primary users – smokers – are now banned from lighting up to the horrific images and slogans they are forced to place right on their packages – there is no doubt the tobacco industry has put up with an amount of regulation seen nowhere else in America. Can you imagine a warning label on bottles of beer or vodka with horrific images of people dying with slogans like alcohol will kill you?

We will continue to explore e-cigarettes and the influence of the tobacco industry in the next blog.