What comes to mind when you think of the effect of alcohol on the human body> How about the effect of marijuana? Cocaine? Heroin? Is there any common effect you can think of? How about mind-altering?
While alcohol and all of the above drugs certainly affect the human brain and cause a variety of effects – mental, physical, spiritual and emotional, it is the last of these I want to address in this blog.
Let’s talk about the emotion effect of drugs and alcohol. Can you think of a common emotional effect of chemical substances? I bet you did not think about the one I am thinking about – impatience. Anyone who has been drinking or using drugs for a significant amount of time knows exactly what I am talking about. Your tolerance for things becomes extremely low – especially with those you live with and love!
Our impatience leads to agitation and we blow up on those we love and care about. They certainly are not deserving of our virtual abuse because drugs and or alcohol are causing us to be impatient and agitated.
If you or someone you care about has a problem with drugs or alcohol, please make sure assistance is sought immediately. A good place to start is a drug class. It will teach you about the physical mental and emotional effects. If anonymity is preferred for now, there are online drug classes too.