In our previous blog entries on the subject of the new Michigan MIP class launched by we looked at how important it is for parents to present a united front and be stellar role models for their children. After all, isn't parenting and raising a child everyone's most important job? Does not every parent want the best for their children?
So let's assume now that you are doing that by not abusing alcohol and not using drugs. If you are, I urge you to stop immediately. If you drink, even socially, make sure it is extremely moderate and your child never witnesses you intoxicated.
As your child gets older, their peers begin to have more and more influence over them. If they have witnessed your drug or alcohol use, they will be more inclined to experiment themselves. It is my firm belief that it is in their best interest not to experiment with drugs and alcohol. I also think it is a ridiculous idea for parents to let the kids experiment at home in the "safety" of the watchful eyes of the parental figure!
The key is to send a strong message, be a good role model and get educated on the risks and dangers together with your children. he Michigan MIP class by is a great place to start. These courses provide excellent education and a good way to start communicating more with your kids about these issues.