Take a Drug Class, Don’t use Heroin

by: Mike Miller

I cannot even imagine why heroin is making a comeback in today’s drug culture. I had hoped the drug would continue its fall from popularity.

Nevertheless, heroin has become the deadly crest of a wave of addictive drug use in communities around the country. This as reported in courierpress.com.

As a less expensive and more readily available substitute for prescription medication heroin rise in popularity also has seen a dramatic increase in overdoses and fatalities rising in nearly every region, including areas where the drug has seldom been seen before.

In Ohio, drug overdoses from heroin increased 25 percent between 2008 and 2009, and are continuing to rise.

In Cowlitz County, Wash., an unusually pure shipment of heroin killed seven people in just five days during April.

In St. Louis heroin killed 310 people in the past two years alone.

In 2009, heroin killed nearly 3,500 Americans, almost double the number that perished a decade ago.

A third of the 3,358 deaths attributed to heroin recorded in 2009 occurred among people under age 30, including 93 deaths among teens. The bulk of the deaths — 2,178 — clustered among people in their 30s, 40s and 50s.

In 2001 heroin killed 1,901 people. Twenty-two percent were under 30, including 45 teens.

Unlike other drugs, there is no typical heroin user. They come from rich and poor neighborhoods, all levels of education, and can be young, middle-aged or old. If you, or anyone you know uses heroin please seek help immediately. Using heroin is a death sentence and it is only a matter of time before your life ends prematurely.