Look no farther than current pop culture and you can see how pervasive drugs have become in our society. When and how this happened is open to speculation. Nevertheless, drugs are an iconic image and problem for our society. This reported in www.tauntongazette.com
Opiates, including sensory-numbing heroin and prescription painkillers like oxycodone and Percocet, continue to be in vogue. Pop culture — including online exchanges and certain TV and radio shows — are fueling young people’s interest in marijuana and other drugs.
With drugs so available in an increasingly permissive society, it is no wonder police are having problems corralling the problem. Gone are the days when you had to go to a local dealer’s house or location to buy drugs.
The Internet and social media have made obtaining drugs almost as easy as picking up a quart of milk and a dozen eggs!
Prescription Medication
How do you think abusers of prescription medication ingest their drugs? It is not with a glass of water and swallowing a pill off the tongue. People who abuse prescription pills almost always crush and snort the pills for a more immediate and intense buzz, rather than swallowing them.
Movies like “Scarface” certainly did not glorify drug use. However some of today’s shows like the popular Showtime Network TV comedy “Weeds” and the weekday “4:20 Club” pro-pot segment on radio as prime examples.
As a society we need to continue to promote the abstinence of illegal drug use. It cannot be tolerated. Addicts have an easy enough time justifying their addictions without making their substances of choice legal!