Medical Marijuana Creates Greater Need for Drug Classes

by: Mike Miller

Do you think more teens are smoking marijuana today than in the 1960s and 1970s? If so, you are wrong!

A recent survey according to, found that nearly 1 in 10 teens said they smoke marijuana at least 20 or more times a month. That’s up 80 percent for past month marijuana use since the last survey conducted in 2008.

There are many explanations given for this. I think legal medical marijuana is one reason for the increase in use. Why? Because it is so readily available.

A second reason is a mindset among some parents that weed is OK, please just don’t do cocaine, crack or heroin.

Others feel hypocritical telling their own kids not to use drugs when they did the same thing at about the same age. The good news is that parents can do a lot to help their teens understand the damage that drug use can do to their lives.

Some of the keys parents should look to help in the fight against their children using and abusing medication include:

  • Make your message clear and consistent
  • Do not help or condone their experimentation
  • Be open about your own drug use
  • You and your spouse are a team with a consistent message
  • Most importantly – set a good example

Drug addiction is a serious issue. If you or someone you care about has a drug problem, please seek help immediately. If you prefer to maintain anonymity there are online drug classes too.